Monday, January 22, 2018

One thing I pack for every single trip (and it's not a party dress)

I would love to always pack a party dress, as recommended by the lovely Amanda Brooks (HERE) but frankly even if during my trip I got a glam party invite, I wouldn't accept it.

My frequent trips to London are to see my son who is in boarding school in England and I want to spend all my time with him while I'm there.

What I do bring for every trip is a white dickie.  About a year ago in London I had packed mostly long sleeved striped T-shirts in various navy, whites and blues.  Unexpectedly we got invited to interview with a very traditional headmaster for a school place and I had nothing to wear.  I managed to get to a COS store on Knightsbridge with minutes to spare before closing and saw a few different dickies on a rack near the register.  Without thinking I grabbed two of the pretty collars knowing for sure they would fit. 

The next morning I picked my darkest T-shirt with navy and bleu stripes and wore the white collar underneath.  The crisp white made the T-shirt look immediately respectable, at least enough so to face the stern headmaster of a 400-year old boarding school.

I don't own any traditionally conservative clothes because they make me feel old.  But a dickie transforms anything you wear into something a bit more decorous, even a jumper with the words no sleep till brooklyn.  COS actually calls them "mock shirts" and always carries a selection (HERE).

My Beastie Boys inspired jumper is by Lingua Franca HERE, and other options are available HERE.

Tomorrow I will be packing my suitcase for London! 

Hope to see you again then.  Have a great Monday, dear readers.

xx Dianne

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