Saturday, July 6, 2013

If Barbie were a real girl

photo from

If Barbie were an average 19-year old girl, she would look like this. If someone actually produced reality Barbie, would our daughters choose her?  Or would they prefer old-school perfect Barbie? 

I have been thinking about sugar after a trip to Albert Heijn (Holland's most popular supermarket chain) yesterday. There is a staggeringly large display with bread toppings, and every single one of them is all sugar. There are anise seed sprinkles, chocolate sprinkles in white, milk or dark chocolate. The sprinkles come in regular size or in XXL size, and if you don't like chocolate sprinkles, you can also have chocolate flakes. There is chocolate paste, caramel paste, butter biscuit paste... This is what breakfast and lunch is about for many Dutch people. There is now a Dutch version of Sweet Poison, the popular Australian book by David Gillespie about the dangers of sugar, but in this morning's newspaper the reviews of the book were not great. Everyone is willing to believe cigarettes are bad for you, but sugar, which has some devastating effects on the human body, is still an innocent. And the feel good factor from the sweets probably outweighs the scare factor from the book. If you don't believe diet books, look up what preeminent heart surgeon Dr. Mehmet Oz says about sugar and you'll never look at a biscuit the same way again.

anise seed sprinkles

chocolate sprinkles and flakes

from a popular biscuit into biscuit paste.....

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