Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Necklace, part 2

I am trying to figure out what to wear tonight and was thinking of doing a plain white T-shirt and loading it up with Nerida's necklaces ( and then some grey cropped oversized men's trousers.

Some of you have asked me what the background painting is in some posts - I bought it from and it's been one of those pieces of art that makes me happy every time I walk in the room. It's by Lola Nampijinpa Brown. Combined with the necklace it makes for a fairly contrived picture... but I love the circular pattern and I love clashing colors. So there it is.

Btw how unexpectedly great are the clothes by the Olsen twins. Trousers by Elizabeth and James, reasonably priced, good quality and just enough edge in the proportions to make anyone look cool.

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